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Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation

Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation

Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation

Physical therapy is important for your health. Physical therapy has existed for thousands of years as a form of treatment for conditions of dysfunction and disability. Rehabilitation of patients who are discomfort or victims due to accident or illness is also considered as a basic treatment.


The basis of physical therapy and rehabilitation discipline are therapeutic exercises. The purpose of this is to normalize the general mobility of the joints, muscles and the body. Physical therapy tools are used to resolve adhesions, stretch tissues, accelerate healing, reduce edema, and reduce pain. The ultimate benefit of these physical therapy tools is to adapt the conditions that help move forward to more difficult exercises as quickly as possible while doing the exercises.

The purpose of physical therapy is to normalize joint movements, muscle strength, muscle endurance, flexibility of muscles and other tissues, skills and mobility. Regardless of the nature and location of the initial damage that caused the diagnosis and the problem, these goals are valid and do not change.


In the treatment of diseases and functional losses, water is a pool treatment program that is organized by experienced personnel and supervised. Hydrotherapy is a treatment method that can replace physical therapy or applied together. With the treatments made by using the physical properties of water (buoyancy, hydrostatic pressure, resistance and viscosity etc.); Positive physiological effects are obtained in the circulatory system, pulmonary system, musculoskeletal system, central nervous system, renal system and respiratory system.


Watsu is the first and most popular form of physical work in water. Developed by Harold Dull in Harbin Hot Springs, California's famous thermal resort in 1980, Watsu is a unique therapy method performed in the healing environment of water. Elegant and fluid movements, stretching and shiatsu are applied to the recipient gliding over the water in mild hot water. This situation creates a feeling of recovery and renewal on the buyers as if they were born again. Watsu got its name from the combination of the words Water and Shiatsu. Unlike other therapies and physical therapy methods, it is applied by the therapist in a pool suitable for wide movements at a temperature of 35 degrees. Watsu; It removes stress and opens an important door for healing stress-related diseases.


The method of treating pain and loss of function that occurs due to the effects of the muscles, ligaments and joints of the movement system elements in our body with special techniques (mobilization and manipulation techniques) is called the "manual therapy" method.

When applying the manual therapist methods of treatment, he uses both the power mechanisms revealed by the body and his hands. In other words, it does not use an external drug, device or electrical method. Because the problem is related to the pain that comes out as a result of the pathological movements of our body. When we fix the disorder with this reference, our body will already use natural painless acting mechanisms. At the same time, while the problem is revealed with manual therapy methods, it will also play an educational role for the patient not to recur pain by regulating the lifestyle of the person.


Massage is the stimulation of the skin-subcutaneous tissue, muscles, internal organs, metabolism, circulation, lymphatic systems for therapeutic purposes, mechanically and nervously. It is a method of increasing regional blood circulation, widening the vessels, and providing more blood to the tissue. Clinical Massage is not just pleasure or luxury, it is a medical need. Massage should also be viewed as a preventive medical treatment that should be taken at regular intervals. In order to restore a sick or tired organ, it is a form of treatment based on the fact that the mechanical energy created on the organism creates deep physiological effects…


Skip treatment method can be used to eliminate many diseases such as orthopedic diseases, introversion, brain injuries, stroke, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, mental disorders, hearing-learning disorders, mental retardation and some spinal diseases. Hippotherapy is a treatment method where horses are used as therapists, aiming to teach a few things about freeing patients and maintaining their normal lives with their multidimensional movements and behaviors. It has been proven by studies that hippotherapy provides a noticeable improvement in patients with Autism, MS, Down Syndrome, stroke, learning disorders, hearing and visually impaired and psychological disorders.

The main purpose of this treatment is to normalize the muscle curtain, improve balance responses, control the body and increase the sense of coordination. All this can be done easily with the horse. First of all, the patient learns that he should not give sudden reactions, trusting himself and this creature accompanying him and dominating the horse gives him a great responsibility. After these gains, it has been observed that patients with increased self-confidence are more willing to continue their normal lives than before. Horses are used in the treatment of many diseases, especially the rehabilitation of physically and mentally disabled people.


Osteopathy is a complementary treatment method applied manually. It is applied especially in pain; the source of the pain is determined and the problem is tried to be resolved. Osteopath detects tension increases in soft tissues in the body and associated joint dysfunction, rebalances the disturbed joint and improves it. In other words, it treats not only symptomatically but also for reasons. It eliminates the causes of Osteopathic disorders by eliminating the chain that inhibits nerve function leading to pain or dysfunction and by providing musculoskeletal movement coordination.


The history of electrotherapy started with the studies of Galen (200-130 BC) with torpedo fish. The use of galvanization and faradization for therapeutic purposes became widespread in the 19th century with the development of sufficient generators. However, rapid surgical and medical advances in pain treatment have left these rapid developments in galvanization and faradization in the background. In the early periods, low frequency currents found wide application and positive results were obtained. Electrotherapy is the use of electrical energy in medicine with different methods. Electrical stimulating currents should not be used as the main treatment modality alone. Using it with other physiotherapy and rehabilitation methods will maximize the effectiveness of this modality. The electric current acts on each cell and tissue it passes through. The type and extent of the response obtained varies depending on the type of tissue and its response characteristics to electric current.

Why Physiotherapist Uses Electric Current?

Creating muscle contraction through nerve or muscle stimulation,

Stimulating the sensory nerves in the treatment of pain,

To create an electrical field in biological tissues in order to change or speed up the healing process,

They are used to create an electrical field on the skin surface for the ions known to contribute to the healing process.

It is used to create electrical stimulation, muscle contraction and sensory stimulation.


ESWT (Extracorporeal ShockWave Therapy), which is called "shock wave therapy" for short; It is a new form of “non-invasive” (non-invasive) treatment based on the strong sound waves generated, focusing on a desired area of ​​the body through an ellipsoid-shaped steel bowl. The principle of operation is based on the propagation of currents produced outside the body in the form of sound waves in the tissue.

It is a technique in which a force or power systems are applied to separate joint surfaces or bone fragments and to restore and lengthen the surrounding soft tissue.

The purpose of spinal traction is to provide painless, functional improvement. • Traction is obtained by applying a force in a sufficient amount and time in the appropriate direction.

At the same time, the patient's body opposes it with equal and opposite force. •

Traction can be localized to a certain spinal area with the patient's proper positioning and correct pull angle.


In sensory integration therapy, the neurophysiological adaptation of children's sensory experiences and the adaptive response appropriate to the situation are provided. In this way, it positively reflects on the social, emotional and physical interaction of the child with his environment. The sensory information that the person receives from his body and his environment is passed through the processes of comprehending, interpreting and integrating the information in the brain, and an organized answer is provided by using the resulting sensory information. Thus, the child adapts to the sensory information from the outside world. Sensory integration therapy; It provides the development of the nervous system as it directly affects the central nervous system of the child.


PRP is the abbreviated name of the treatment method called "Platelet Rich Plasma, platelet (platelet, coagulation cell) enriched plasma application". In PRP application, platelet cells obtained from one's own blood and plasma rich in growth factors are used. PRP is a medical application. It should only be done by doctors. After the doctor examines his patient, a small amount of blood is taken into small tubes containing a special gel and centrifugation is applied. At the end of this process, the blood is divided into components in the tubes; In other words, the red cells of this blood, which contains approximately 200,000 platelets per milliliter, is separated, thus obtaining a gel with a platelet density of up to 1.5 million per milliliter. This is called PRP.

In addition to the functions of platelets related to blood clotting, they also have the task of secreting growth factors that provide healing of tissue damage. Therefore, the PRP obtained from the blood that is centrifuged, that is, the part with abundant platelet, is applied to the desired area such as face, neck, hair, joint by either mesotherapy method or mask. Thus, natural growth factors that will reverse the effects of tissue damage or aging are given to the desired region.


Dry Needle Therapy (intramusculer stimulation) is currently living in Canada. It is a non-operative drug-free pain treatment method developed by Gunn and applied for the treatment of painful muscle spasms. The needles used in the dry needle treatment (ims) method are dry needles of various lengths, without medication. Dissolving spasm by immersing very thin needles of different lengths in the muscles with spasm is the basis of the dry needle treatment method. This treatment method is also known as dry needling, intramuscular stimulation (ims). Dry needle therapy is effective in the treatment of chronic musculoskeletal disorders and pain associated with these disorders.

Disc diseases (waist, neck, back)


It can be defined as the accumulation of protein-rich fluid as a result of disruption of the lymphatic circulation due to congenital or subsequent causes. For example, it is one of the most troublesome complications that arise as a result of removing the armpit lymph nodes after breast cancer surgery. Swelling, discomfort, and pain in the arm as a result of preventing underarm lymph flow. Compliance with the treatment planned by your physician will affect the success of the treatment. Treatment can sometimes take less than 1 week and sometimes more than 1 month. Success is not achieved if the right application is not implemented. The goal of treatment is to reduce swelling and prevent it from occurring again.

1. Correct skin care (suitable for arm should be applied in one direction from bottom to top, skin should not be dry) (2 times / day)

2. Self-massage and manual lymph drainage (should be applied by trained and experienced people, you can be taught its simple form. Please do not make it inexperienced, your swelling may increase!)

3. Pressure cuff / bandage (must be used during exercises) If the diameter difference is too high (2- 2.5 cm between the two arms) bandage treatment is started. The bandage treatment and the material used are characteristic. A multi-layered application is made with a short stretch bandage. It should be performed by an experienced physiotherapy and rehabilitation physician. When the diameter decreases to different desired limits, it is passed to the pressure arm. Patient relatives can be taught bandaging.

4. Pressure pumps

5. Exercises


The Universal Exercise Unit (EEU), known as Space Therapy, is a unique and reliable device in its field. Universal Exercise Unit (Space Therapy) is used in 2 different ways: 1- Roller and Suspension System where the Treatment Bed or Chair is used. It is used to perform various exercises as a reel, band and splint system. The main goal in Space Therapy is to improve strength, Active Joint Range of Motion (AROM) and muscle flexibility. By eliminating the force of gravity, even a patient with 1 or 2 out of muscle strength can initiate movement. This explains the essence of the Universal Exercise Unit. If the patient can perform a minimum of movement, albeit with the active help of the physiotherapist, then he can switch to active resistance exercises. It will be quite surprising to see fast progress. Each of the weights used in the Space Therapy Unit was rated as litre and 1 liter (approximately 500 grams and 1000 grams), thus enabling physiotherapists to record measurable information and to prove the benefit obtained. Exercises with the Universal Exercise Unit (Space Therapy) target muscles that are weak, have limited range of motion, and lack flexibility. Thanks to the band and roller system, the physiotherapist can isolate a desired muscle group and work out the desired movements on this muscle that it targets. In this case, muscle tone (usually increased) does not prevent movement. It allows the muscle groups studied in the Space Therapy Unit to overcome spastic muscles. These types of exercises impede functional gains. The quality of walking increases balance and coordination rapidly in movements.


The Universal Exercise Unit (Space Therapy) is also extremely safe for them. 2- The other way to use the Universal Exercise Unit in the Space Therapy Suspension System (Spider Cage) in the Middle of the Cage in which Space Therapy is Applied is called the "Spider Cage". This name was created inspired by the boy wearing a belt tied to 8-10 ropes. The patient is hung in the middle of the cage with the support from the elastic bands. This name was created inspired by the boy wearing a belt tied to 8-10 ropes. The patient is hung in the middle of the cage with the support from the elastic bands. This is a highly dynamic system and provides the support needed exactly. It allows the patient to perform virtually "independently" any movement or functional skill. Exercises in full or partial weight bearing type provide a sense of confidence in the patient. They also enable the development and progression of functional skills (sitting, crawling, standing, walking, climbing, jumping). Suspended in the middle of the cage where Space Therapy is Applied, the patient applies different activities that help improve sensory integrity. So you can realize the extraordinary benefits in balance, coordination and function. The ability to maintain an upright position (using the Universal Exercise Unit (Space Therapy)) helps prevent osteoporosis. The Universal Exercise Unit, referred to as Space Therapy, is successfully used in Europe and America.

Developmental Retardation


It is a method used in the treatment of pain. Kinezyotape was first developed in Japan and has a special texture produced with a special yarn. In some painful conditions of the movement system, these special tapes are trained by physiotherapists and doctors trained, and the joints or tissues are brought to the desired position. It was primarily applied on athletes. It was used in the treatment of many athletes and during competitions. Today, it is used by different disciplines in physical therapy, neurology and orthopedics patients along with sports injuries. It can be applied to many parts of the body. It can be effective in low back, neck and back pain as well as other joint pain. It can be applied in orthopedic patients, those with neurological problems and in patients after surgery. It is effective by lifting the skin upwards, creating a gap between the skin and muscles and relieving the pressure. Kinesio tape is different from other bands due to its light, sticky, elastic properties and the properties of the skin. It does not contain any chemicals. Allergy risk is very low. The person applied can stay 72 hours. It supports the structures under the skin by integrating with the skin. Kinesio tape is different from other tapes because it is light, sticky, elastic and has the characteristics of leather. It does not contain any chemicals. Allergy risk is very low.

The person applied can stay 72 hours. It supports the structures under the skin by integrating with the skin. It also provides aeration of the skin due to its porous structure. In no way does it prevent the movement of the person. Although they have different colors, there is no difference in terms of effect. The color option is left to the patient. It is quite different from the banding techniques used in physical therapy. It is used in orthopedic and neurological conditions, which are painful and loss of function.

Kinesio tape applications mainly affect the nervous system, musculoskeletal system and circulatory system. In clinical studies related to kinesio tape application, it has been concluded that joint pain mostly results from the loss of the normal structure of the muscle and myofascial tissue surrounding the joint. Inflammation, bloating or spasm caused by various reasons in the muscles cause narrowing of the gap between the skin and the muscle. The decrease in the gap causes the lymphatic fluid flow to decrease and the stimulation of pain receptors. With the taping method, the tissue between the skin and the muscle is increased, and the gap between the skin and the muscle is increased, and painless movement is provided. Thus, healing is supported.These bands, which have various colors, offer solutions without side effects to many problems, from muscle aches to helping to eliminate edema in the body. The movements are done correctly and the joint movements are improved. Adhered tapes can stay for up to a week, several sessions can be applied. It can be used safely in all age groups including children and elderly patients. Those who have shoulder, knee, elbow and heel-foot soles can also benefit from this method.



In essence, Hacamat is a technique applied in the name of preventive medicine. Blood purification. Circulatory cleaning. Our religion is circumcised. When you research, you can find names like mug therapy, wet mug therapy. In order to open the blockages at the level of capillaries in the body, blood removal is performed on a certain line with very fine scratches and mug / glass. 7 Regions are defined as “screening hijama”. In other words, in order to be protective, experts recommend “screening hijama” to be done every year regardless of disease. Each region helps certain diseases. However, in your application with its experts, different regions are also shaped. Because when you look at the hijama points, you can see that they all pass through the meridian lines according to traditional Chinese medicine. The first use of leeches in the field of health goes back to 2500 years ago. Contrary to what is known, these creatures, which help treat patients with the fluid secreted in the bite area while sucking the blood, not by sucking the blood, are still used in the medical field today. It is a slightly more expensive treatment method than its peers.


It is a therapy applied with the help of plastic or glass cups to take measures against diseases that may occur in the body, to remove harmful toxins accumulating in the body and to clean the body. These wastes, which accumulate in the connective tissues, are vacuumed with the help of a mug pump and then transmitted to the intradermal scratches and discarded. This treatment method, which our Prophet frequently recommends, is very beneficial.


Dry Cup Therapy: The first type of therapy is dry cup therapy. It is a therapy performed only with the help of mugs, without taking blood and scratching. It is good for respiratory system problems, digestive system problems and immune system problems.


Age Cup Therapy (Hacamat): It is age cup therapy known as Hacamat in the folk language. It is one of the most popular treatment methods that we recommend in our Prophet today. After the acupuncture points of the body are determined, the mugs are vacuumed. Then scratches are thrown with the help of a scalpel, scalpel or a razor blade, and inert blood is collected. It has a lot of benefits.


Moving Cup Therapy: As the name suggests, it is the therapy method performed by moving the cups on the body.Moibibulation Cup Therapy: Dried plants and herbs are placed in the cups to be applied to the body. The therapy is performed by burning with fire.



Gait analysis is a physical examination method performed with computer-aided tools in evaluating a person's walking problems. The human foot can stand differently when standing, running and walking. Therefore, gait analysis is important in evaluating the functional with dynamic measurement. Dynamic measurement is the measurement made while walking and running. It is necessary to carry out analysis and testing in accordance with the daily activity of people and the work they do. A detailed and complete scan is made up to the ankle of the person to perform additional analysis of the shape and form of the foot.


The human foot can print differently in walking, stopping and running situations. Therefore, evaluation of the functional with dynamic measurement, namely gait analysis, is important. Dynamic measurement is the measurement made while walking and running. It is necessary to carry out analysis and testing in accordance with the daily activity of people and the work they do. For example, it is necessary to analyze those who have a lot of activity in daily life (those who are standing more and walk intensely) are static and walking. Walking analysis of athletes and sports enthusiasts should be carried out comprehensively, static, while walking and running.