• info@atafiz.com

About Us

About Atafiz

Atafiz Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Center, which aims to offer world standards in health services, is an institution that provides health services for many years in Istanbul Ataşehir. Our Medical Center, which was established in Ataşehir in 2006, serves with Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, Psychological Counseling, Nutrition and Dietetics departments. In addition, we are continuing to add new branches to our institution in order to provide healthcare services to our patients with wider opportunities. Our Medical Center provides services with Specialist Doctor, Physiotherapist, nurse, assistant service, administrative and support service personnel. Our center was established in 2006; He combined aqua therapy with physiotherapy and created a special concept. We achieved a first in Turkey in this field. Our goal is to see every patient entering through the Atafiz gate with healthy and smiling faces.


Our expert staff, who have completed their education at home and abroad, have deserved their reputation, and they have the rightful pride of being able to reinforce their knowledge and experience and apply the most effective treatment to our patients. Tools and technical equipment equipped with the latest technology support our team. Our hospital, which aims at the principle of unconditional patient satisfaction, offers quality service by targeting the quality with our uninterrupted power supply that completely eliminates the risk of energy cuts and its physical environment that comfortably meets modern hospital conditions with its many technological infrastructures. Our aim with our technological infrastructure building, our expert doctor staff, our smiling and educated employees; And to provide the best service in Istanbul in Turkey.

Contact Now For Your Questions

0530 927 15 20

Our Mission

Without compromising medical ethics and scientific rules; To provide our service at world standards with our protective, patient satisfaction, friendly, patient and dynamic staff.

Our Vision

To be a respected and referenced institution that sets off with the basic principles of being scientific, high technology and ethical. To provide world-class health services to improve the quality of life and to become a Turkish brand that is increasing its standards in the field of health every day.